Onions, 1970
Box of Peaches, 1972
Oranges, 1972
Daises, 1973
Evian Bottles, 1976
Four Tomatoes in a Clear Box, 1974
Painted Glasses, 1974
4 Glasses, 1974
Blackberries, 1982
Narcissus and Cheerios, 1982
Self Portrait on Pink, 1983
Self Portrait, 1983
Cheese Sandwich, 1984
Untitled (Still Life with Butterflies), 1985
Purple and Orange Cloth, 2006
Two Bags/Apples and Pears, 2006
Fish on Yellow Plate, 2006
Green Bowl and Tomatoes, 1987
Figs and Apricots, 1987
Tarot, 1987
Wild Grapes and Flowers, 1988
No Jam Today, 1988
Apple Blossom & Tea Pot, 1988
End of Summer, 1988
Chinese Persimmons, 1988
Grapes, Bananas and Pawpaw, 1988
Jelly Roll and Car, 1988
Grapefruit and Fruitloops, 1989
Broken Egg and Stick of Butter, 1989
Red Pears, Bananas, and Grapes, 1989
Bowl of Onions and Squash, 1990
Peaches and Strawflowers, 1990
Tomatillas and Blood Oranges, 1991
Self Portrait, 1994
Bag of Nectarines, 1995
Lollipops, 1996
Bag, Honey, 1996
Two Waterlilies, 2004
Asters, Tomatoes, Leaves, 2004
Bomber 2004
Two Onions, 2004
Plums/Orange Bowl, 2004